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Marie Jones
5 min read
5 Ways to Get to the Office on Time After a Year+ of Working at Home
The other day, I worked with a client about her upcoming return to the office and she worried about being late. These 5 strategies...
Marie Jones
3 min read
Taming Anxiety and Your Catastrophizing Brain
A little anxiety is normal and even useful. You may fear a particular thing like public speaking, heights, spiders, or the color purple.
Marie Jones
2 min read
Be Proud of Your Unique Self
A field of wildflowers. A handmade quilt. A homemade cookie. Your personality. What do these things have in common?
Marie Jones
9 min read
15+ Tools for Your Motivational Toolbox: Tips and Tricks to Overcome Barriers to Action
How do you find the motivation to do what needs to be done? Every human being has times when motivation is difficult. Some of us have a hard
Marie Jones
1 min read
Messy Desk Rules
Every person is unique. No solution is universal. Make it easy. Lean into your strengths. Don't waste time on unimportant junk.
Marie Jones
3 min read
Deep Breathing: Why it works
I have been advocating mindfulness activities and saying "just breathe" to friends and clients for years. But how does it really work?
Marie Jones
11 min read
A Tour of Mindfulness Apps
Guest blogger Z. Morrow reviews Headspace, Calm, Let’s Meditate, and Insight Timer in a tour of Mindfulness Manor.
Marie Jones
3 min read
February Blues and Depression
February is Self-Care Month here at Messy Desk because it is a difficult time for people on this side of the planet who experience SAD.
Marie Jones
4 min read
Ten Ideas for Self-Care in the Dark of Winter
The holidays are long over. The days are short. Our vitamin D levels are plummeting and along with it, our energy.
But maybe that's just me
Marie Jones
2 min read
Faster than Normal
Shenkman offers a refreshing reframe of the challenges of ADHD in this book. Tips are helpful for anyone, with or without ADHD.
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