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Marie Jones
3 min read
Taming Anxiety and Your Catastrophizing Brain
A little anxiety is normal and even useful. You may fear a particular thing like public speaking, heights, spiders, or the color purple.
Marie Jones
5 min read
Closed Doors & Open Windows: Resilience in the Sound of Music
When I was a child, The Sound of Music was one of my favorite movies. Julie Andrews' spinning in that opening scene of mountains...
Marie Jones
2 min read
WOOP! Make Your Wishes Come True
I just learned about WOOP as another model for goal-setting, and want to quickly share it with you today. I like it for big picture goals,
Marie Jones
6 min read
What Happened Today? Balance Bad & Good
The glass is half-full AND it's half-empty. You come home from work and your partner asks, "How was your day?" The next day, not so much.
Marie Jones
9 min read
15+ Tools for Your Motivational Toolbox: Tips and Tricks to Overcome Barriers to Action
How do you find the motivation to do what needs to be done? Every human being has times when motivation is difficult. Some of us have a hard
Marie Jones
6 min read
Reframing Deadlines as Finish Lines
What would happen if we started thinking of deadlines differently? You don't really want to die when you finish that project, do you?
Marie Jones
3 min read
Deep Breathing: Why it works
I have been advocating mindfulness activities and saying "just breathe" to friends and clients for years. But how does it really work?
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