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Marie Jones
2 min read
Five Ways to Reboot Your Planner for 2023
Reboot your planner and your organizational systems for the new year!
Marie Jones
6 min read
The Reflective Spiral of Personal Growth
Reflective practice helps you make better choices and move your life in the direction you want it to go.
Marie Jones
5 min read
The Somewhat Weekly Review: Vital Element of Messy Organization
Part reflection, part planning, the weekly review is a core practice that can help you stay on track and clear your mind.
Marie Jones
5 min read
Eight Ways to Double Your Time
When it comes to chips and dip, double-dipping is gross. But I’m no George Costanza, so my idea of double-dipping is a time management trick
Marie Jones
7 min read
Introducing the Messy Desk Journal: No foolish consistency
For years, I sought a perfect system that I can consistently maintain to keep my life in order--in time, housekeeping, and thought...
Marie Jones
4 min read
Resilient Scheduling: Planning for the Unplanned
Last Saturday was a rare day in my worklife. I completed everything on my daily "to do" list and had time to start on other waiting projects
Marie Jones
4 min read
The Strengths of Being Messy
It turns out that there are advantages to being a little bit messy--we aren't talking all-out hoarding or seriously unhygienic.
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